Thursday, January 17, 2013

PLE Post 1: Introduction

After the first class, take a moment to reflect on what was discussed. What are your personal objectives for the class? What do you want to explore deeper? What questions or concerns do you have?

Last Thursday, I was introduced to the course titled, Educational Psychology 401. After conducting the typical "first day of class business," such as examining the syllabus and introductions, Anne revealed the course objectives to our class. She mentioned that we would be exploring topics including: motivation, classroom management, learning styles, assessment, diversity, reflective practice, cognitive development, etc.

In all honesty, I am interested in all of these topics. I am actually a psychology major, so this course content is my cup of tea. Pertaining to this course in particular, I am excited to explore psychological topics as they relate to education. After completing this course, I want to have a better understanding of how students learn, what inhibits their learning, and what I can do to teach in a way that is most conducive to their learning and success. These are my personal learning objectives for this course.

Thusfar, I have not had the opportunity to learn about classroom management. I am extremely interested in this component of the course. I realize that, for students to experience good, effective education, I must maintain a well-managed classroom. As of now, I have not a clue as to how to go about that.

Another topic that I would like to explore deeper is "personal learning styles." I know that students learn in a variety of ways. As a future teacher, I understand that differentiating instruction in order to cater to all students is of great importance. I hope that exploring "personal learning styles" will help be know how to acheive this differentiated instruction.

In conclusion, I am really excited about taking this course. I love psychology and I love education. So, this course is probably the course for me! At the moment, I can't really come up with any questions or concerns. I am just eager to learn. I want to learn this course content, and how to apply it!


  1. I am going to comment on you post this semester

  2. Rachel. I will be "following" your blog this semester.
